About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is the oldest, and one of the most respected forms of medicine in the world. We are bringing this ancient form of medicine into the modern world, here at Pearson Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center. Our goal is to create optimal health for you and your family. When it comes to the speeding up recovery of both chronic pain and acute injury, herbal medicine and acupuncture provide effective relief of a variety of painful conditions. Also acupuncture is carries little to no risk, when performed by a trained, licensed acupuncturist.
With acute injuries, time does most of the work, eventually. Unfortunately, many forms of pain become chronic and are difficult to treat. As anyone who has suffered from chronic paid can tell you, the most important thing in dealing with such pain is finding the cause and finding an effective pain treatment. Pain is not a good thing to have to live with.
Pharmaceutical pain killers are effective but also carry the risk of dependence as well as a host of unwanted side-effects. Hear at Pearson Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center our chiropractic, acupuncture, massage and herbal medicines have been highly effective at treating and relieving chronic and acute pain conditions.